Moving to or within Virginia? Before you choose any movers from 123 Movers, see why Virginia is the right place for you.
Virginia, named after Queen Elizabeth I, was the first state to be continuously inhabited by British colonists. Virginia was one of the thirteen original colonies and fought against Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. An interesting fact about Virginia is that eight U.S presidents were born there:
- George Washington: 1st president
- Thomas Jefferson: 3rd president
- James Madison: 4th president
- James Monroe: 5th president
- William Henry Harrison: 9th president
- John Tyler: 10th president
- Zachary Taylor: 12th president
- Woodrow Wilson: 28th president
As you can see, Virginia was home to some of the most well known presidents in our Country’s history.
Virginia was also home to 7 other states. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and parts of Ohio were all once part of Virginia. It’s no surprise that Virginia bears the nickname “Mother of States and Statesmen.”
Virginia was also home to one of the most famous battles in U.S. history; the Battle of Yorktown. The British defeat here sealed the victory for the United States during the Revolutionary War.
Living in Virginia means your part of this rich heritage. Not only will you be connected to the past, but to the present as well; the Pentagon is located in Arlington, Virginia. The Pentagon is the largest office building in the United States and houses the U.S Department of Defense. To learn more about government in Virginia, visit
Aside from the history, Virginia can also be a fun place to live. You can go to museums, wineries and breweries , amusement parks, zoos, gardens, and delicious restaurants. Between the historical entertainment and modern entertainment, it would be quite hard for someone who lives in Virginia to get bored.
Population Statistics:
- Population estimate: 7,642,884
- Persons under 5 years old: 6.8%
- Persons under 18 years old: 24.1%
- Persons 65 years old and over: 11.4%
- Female population: 50.8%
- Male Population: 49.2%